6.20.18. Noah Williams. Beginning in 2014, the state of Minnesota began a series of minimum wage increases. By contrast, Wisconsin increased its state minimum wage in 2010 to keep pace with the federal minimum wage, but has not increased it since.
Wisconsin Economy
Economic Performance in Wisconsin since the Great Recession: A County-Level Analysis
5.9.18. Noah Williams. This paper studies the performance of the Wisconsin economy at the county level in order to understand how different parts of the state fared during the Great Recession and the subsequent recovery. We find strong evidence of convergence in living standards.
Business Formation in Wisconsin During and After the Great Recession
2.28.18. Junjie Guo. New businesses are an increasingly important component of growth in output, employment, and productivity. We analyze new data from the U.S. Census Bureau to gain insight on business formations in Wisconsin before, during, and after the Great Recession of 2007-2009.
Forecasting the US and Wisconsin Economies in 2018
1.8.18. Junjie Guo and Noah Williams. This paper provides forecasts for the United States and Wisconsin economies in 2018. We use versions of mixed-frequency vector autoregression (MF-VAR) models that have been previously applied to forecast the national economy, which we extend to also consider the state of Wisconsin.
An Evaluation of the Economic Impact of the Foxconn Proposal
7.19. Noah Williams. In this paper I evaluate the potential economic impact of the Foxconn plant on the Wisconsin economy. I consider factors affecting both the direct impact of the Foxconn plant, as well as the additional broader impacts that it may have.