2.5.24. Junjie Guo, Kim Ruhl and Ananth Seshadri. In this report we present a comprehensive model of the Wisconsin economy and its tax system to account for the behavioral responses from households and firms.
Fiscal Policy
Does Taxing the Rich Work?
9.27.23 EVENT Dr. Arthur Laffer “Does Taxing the Rich Work?
The Economic Impact of JFC’s Plan to Cut Income Tax Rates in Wisconsin
6.26.23. Junjie Guo, Kim Ruhl and Ananth Seshadri. In this report we evaluate the economic impact of the Wisconsin State Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee (JFC)’s plan to cut the state’s individual income tax rates.
Five Options to Lower the Income Tax Rates in Wisconsin
5.17.23. Junjie Guo, Kim Ruhl and Ananth Seshadri. In this report we evaluate five options to lower the income tax rates in Wisconsin, which are higher than the rates in most other states.
The Economic Impact of Lowering Income Tax Rates in Wisconsin
2.24.23. Junjie Guo, Kim J. Ruhl and Ananth Seshadri. This CROWE report presents a model of the Wisconsin economy and its tax system, and shows that reducing the state’s individual income tax rates will increase output and household consumption significantly.
Wisconsin’s Sales Tax Regressivity
11.1.22. Junjie Guo and Kim J. Ruhl. It is widely believed that sales taxes are regressive: The total sales tax paid by a low-income household represents a greater share of its income compared with a high-income household.
Fundamental State Tax Reform: Eliminating the Income Tax in Wisconsin
12.16.21. Noah Williams. The state of Wisconsin has the oldest continuously operating state income tax in the United States. In this report I develop and analyze a plan to dramatically change that history.
The Wisconsin State Sales Tax
11.11.21. Noah Williams. In addition to income taxes, which were discussed in my previous brief, the other main source of general purpose revenue for the state of Wisconsin is the general sales tax.
The Wisconsin State Income Tax
11.4.21. Noah Williams. The state of Wisconsin has the oldest continuously operating state income tax in the United States. In this brief I discuss some of the history and background of the state income tax, as well as the current distribution of taxes and effective tax rates.
The Evolution and Impacts of the State Corporate Tax Structure: 2011-2020
9.8.21. Junjie Guo, Noah Williams, Zhuoer Ren, and Qi Yang. We study how the state corporate tax rate and 15 measures of the state corporate tax base have been evolving since 1980, with a particular focus on changes in the last decade.